Friday, August 28, 2015

"Wasted Effort", 1944

Today, we have a unique view of Borchert Field; field level, behind third base where the coach might stand. This comes from the first game in a doubleheader with the St. Paul Saints on Sunday, July 9, 1944.

WASTED EFFORT — Dick Culler is shown here about to take off for a slide into third base on Hal Peck's pop fly double to left center in the first inning of the opener yesterday but the Brewer shortstop died there although there was none out at the time. Bud Kimball is the Saint third sacker, and the Umpire is Moon Mullen. (Sentinel photo)
Culler's hustle might not have paid off, but the Brewers wouldn't be denied. They took the game 5-1, clinching the best first-half record in the league, and with that earned the right to host the 1944 American Association All-Star Game.

Culler is wearing the classic Brewer uniform of the era, introduced in 1942. Beautiful. Behind him you can see the first-base grandstand and the wall facing 7th Street. This pic might come in handy if we're trying to date other photos by the outfield ads.

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